
Qatar 2022: football and "entertainment" - debasement of the masses

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez A new edition of the final phase of the soccer world cup will take place, now in Qatar, and once again millions and millions of human beings around the globe will spend hours and hours in front of their televisions and other devices and devices, practically hypnotized and stupefied by the event in question. Crowds absorbed every four years by a sporting show that has little and a lot of business (obviously benefiting a minority); alienated by the star event of the circus of our days, who take advantage of the global economic elite and its political operators (Governments) to continue controlling the masses and distracting them in an insane way. For a month there will be nothing more important for hundreds of millions of people in different corners of the planet, than to observe individuals kicking a ball, supposedly representing the people of different nations. For a month, many socioeconomic and ecological problems will go into the background news, thanks t...

Qatar 2022: fútbol y “entretenimiento”-envilecimiento de las masas

  Rubén Alexis Hernández   Se llevará a cabo una nueva edición de la fase final de la copa mundial de fútbol, ahora en Qatar, y una vez más millones y millones de seres humanos en el globo pasarán horas y horas frente a sus televisores y otros aparatos y dispositivos, prácticamente hipnotizados e idiotizados por el evento en cuestión. Multitudes absorbidas cada cuatro años por un espectáculo que de deportivo tiene poco y de negocio tiene mucho (beneficiando obviamente a una minoría); alienados por el evento estrella del circo de nuestros días, que aprovechan la élite económica global y sus operadores políticos (Gobiernos) para seguir controlando a las masas y distraerlas de forma insana.   Durante un mes no habrá nada más importante para centenares de millones de personas en distintos rincones del planeta, que observar a individuos pateando un balón, supuestamente en representación del gentilicio de distintas naciones. Durante un mes pasarán a un segundo plano not...

Qatar 2022 and brutal labor exploitation

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez Between November and December of this year (2022), another edition of the great global football circus will take place, as is the final phase of the world championship, this time in Qatar, a small country located on the Arabian Peninsula. It is a nation with one of the highest per capita incomes in the world and with a high human development index, and yet it has the dubious honor of being in the eye of the storm, in the framework of the construction of sports facilities to be used during the sporting event in question. Note in this regard that many employed workers, mostly from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, have been grossly underpaid and brutally exploited, to the point that many of them died from various causes, especially from the excessive effort during many daily hours of work and the terrible conditions of the work environment. Human rights violations wholesale, to the point of being denounced by Amnesty International. The foregoin...

Elon Musk and censorship-exclusion on the internet

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez Elon Musk, possibly the richest man on planet Earth, and one of the so-called technology tycoons, has been in the spotlight recently thanks to the purchase he made, or would be about to make (as of today 06-06-2022 ), from the famous social network known as Twitter. He is one of the most notable globalists, and therefore a promoter of the new corporocratic-totalitarian world order in the process of being consolidated. As a prominent businessman in highly technological sectors, his fortune has increased considerably in recent years, thanks to the evolution of the fourth industrial revolution or the growing digitization-robotization of society, especially since 2020, with the start of the pandemic by COVID-19 and the acceleration of transformations in the framework of climate change. In this context, Musk, increasingly arrogant due to his enormous wealth, has even believed himself to be one of the owners of the world, rubbing shoulders with other elite charact...

Qatar 2022 y la brutal explotación laboral

  Rubén Alexis Hernández   Entre noviembre y diciembre de este año (2022) se llevará a cabo otra edición del gran circo global futbolístico, como es la fase final del campeonato mundial, esta vez en Qatar, pequeño país ubicado en la península arábiga. Es una nación con una de las rentas per cápita más elevadas del mundo y con un elevado índice de desarrollo humano, y no obstante, tiene el dudoso honor de estar en el ojo del huracán, en el marco de la construcción de las instalaciones deportivas a ser utilizadas durante el evento deportivo en cuestión. Adviértase al respecto, que numerosos trabajadores empleados, en su mayoría provenientes de India, Pakistán, Bangladesh, Nepal y Sri Lanka, han sido muy mal pagados y brutalmente explotados, hasta el punto que muchos de ellos murieron por diversas causas, en especial por el excesivo esfuerzo durante muchas horas diarias de labor y por las pésimas condiciones del ambiente de trabajo. Las violaciones de los derechos humanos al ...

Elon Musk y la censura-exclusión en internet

  Rubén Alexis Hernández   Elon Musk, posiblemente el hombre más rico del planeta Tierra, y uno de los llamados magnates de la tecnología, ha estado en la palestra recientemente gracias a la compra que hizo, o que estaría por concretar (al día de hoy 06-06-2022), de la famosa red social conocida como Twitter. Es uno de los globalistas más notables, y por tanto un impulsor del nuevo orden mundial corporocrático-totalitario en vías de consolidación. Como empresario prominente de sectores altamente tecnológicos, su fortuna se ha acrecentado considerablemente en los últimos años, gracias a la evolución de la cuarta revolución industrial o creciente digitalización-robotización de la sociedad, en especial desde el 2020, con el inicio de la pandemia por COVID-19 y la aceleración de las transformaciones en el marco del cambio climático. En este contexto Musk, cada vez más arrogante por su gigantesca riqueza, se ha creído incluso uno de los dueños del mundo, codeándose con otros pe...

Globalists want to perpetuate health emergencies

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez For the globalists and their plans to consolidate the new corporocratic-digital-totalitarian order, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a complete success, considering that the terrible socioeconomic consequences as a result of its perverse government management, gave a greater impetus in various ways. to the formation of said new order and of a world State that supports it in the political-administrative field. According to what was stated in the previous paragraph, it is understood that the criminal elites who practically own the world are in the interest of perpetuating health emergencies, beginning with the possible prolongation of the COVID-19 pandemic, through the “emergence ” of other variants or strains of the virus. From then on, epidemics and pandemics of various diseases could occur, some of them really dangerous for immunologically strong human beings. And mentioning this is not a conspiracy theory, because the globalists themselves and their lackeys ...