Qatar 2022: football and "entertainment" - debasement of the masses

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez

A new edition of the final phase of the soccer world cup will take place, now in Qatar, and once again millions and millions of human beings around the globe will spend hours and hours in front of their televisions and other devices and devices, practically hypnotized and stupefied by the event in question. Crowds absorbed every four years by a sporting show that has little and a lot of business (obviously benefiting a minority); alienated by the star event of the circus of our days, who take advantage of the global economic elite and its political operators (Governments) to continue controlling the masses and distracting them in an insane way.

For a month there will be nothing more important for hundreds of millions of people in different corners of the planet, than to observe individuals kicking a ball, supposedly representing the people of different nations. For a month, many socioeconomic and ecological problems will go into the background news, thanks to the virtual sports reality projected by large television companies and other mass media and the imposition of information matrixes, and so many conflicts that bathe in blood to the Near and Middle East, Latin America, Europe and Africa. To exemplify the previous comment, it is pertinent to note that while soccer fans and fanatics hysteria celebrate plays and goals of their favorite teams in Qatar 2022, the United States and its allies, in frank despair due to the deterioration of the North American economy and the decline growth of the dollar, will continue to push the entire world into a global war confrontation; the economic crisis aggravated by factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Eastern Europe and climate change, will continue to hit the poor hard; the fundamentalists will continue to wreak havoc in different places on Earth; and the Israeli terrorist army will continue to kill Palestinian women, children and elderly people day after day.

If the Roman people were distracted and dumbed down by the gladiatorial fights and other spectacles held in the Colosseum, today's humanity is manipulated and alienated by events such as the final phase of the soccer world cup, which is more than a sporting event, it is a gigantic and very profitable commercial operation, which benefits mostly FIFA and a handful of corporations. In addition, for the minority that economically controls the planet, and for all the rulers who serve the interests of said minority, the maximum soccer tournament will be a golden opportunity considering the distraction of the masses regarding the gravity of the multi-faceted world crisis, and it would favor, for example, the execution of unpopular measures and the recovery of certain government credibility.

Every pro-globalist lackey ruler in the world would wish, with the aim of continuing to keep the masses "entertained" and debased, that the final phase of the soccer world cup would take place every year; but failing that, tournaments of professional soccer clubs and other sports are regularly held, and soap operas (soap operas), reality shows, beauty contests and other crap that contribute their grain of sand to the sustained dumbing down of the people are widely disseminated. So the global circus does not give a single day of truce to humanity oppressed and plunged into ignorance and material misery.


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