Elon Musk and censorship-exclusion on the internet

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez

Elon Musk, possibly the richest man on planet Earth, and one of the so-called technology tycoons, has been in the spotlight recently thanks to the purchase he made, or would be about to make (as of today 06-06-2022 ), from the famous social network known as Twitter. He is one of the most notable globalists, and therefore a promoter of the new corporocratic-totalitarian world order in the process of being consolidated. As a prominent businessman in highly technological sectors, his fortune has increased considerably in recent years, thanks to the evolution of the fourth industrial revolution or the growing digitization-robotization of society, especially since 2020, with the start of the pandemic by COVID-19 and the acceleration of transformations in the framework of climate change. In this context, Musk, increasingly arrogant due to his enormous wealth, has even believed himself to be one of the owners of the world, rubbing shoulders with other elite characters and even influencing national and global politics in various fields. So it is not surprising that he is linked to events of great impact for the present and future of humanity, such as the health emergency due to the new coronavirus, the war in Eastern Europe and other international war conflicts, and other situations.

As for the social network mentioned above, Musk has promised, for example, that he will enhance freedom of expression on said website and that anyone would have access to the network. Now, considering that the globalist is one of the subjects with the greatest influence in the world, at the service of the Status Quo, it is evident that the exclusion and censorship of all those writings that question the new corporocratic-digital-totalitarian world order, promoted in part by Musk and generating greater unemployment, poverty and exclusion in general, it is the only thing that will be promoted by the character in question. Here's a sample of what's in store for Twitter under the leadership of free speech "defender" Elon Musk:

"'I invested in Twitter because I believe in its potential to be the platform for freedom of expression around the world, and I believe that freedom of expression is a social imperative for a functioning democracy,'" Musk said in his offer letter. to Twitter. "'However, since I made my investment, I now realize that the company will not prosper or meet this social imperative in its current form. Twitter must be transformed into a private company'" https://cnnespanol.cnn.com /2022/04/25/twitter-elon-musk-buys-trax-deal/

“For example, Musk could look to require real names on accounts. Or maybe you can continue to allow pseudonyms but will require photo identification or integration with third-party services where users are already known (…).

Musk's diagnosis may reflect the experiences of a very particular type of user, but it turns out that this user will soon control the design of the platform. As part of his solution to fighting crypto bots, Musk wants to make it easier to separate real accounts from fake ones under his proposal to 'authenticate all real humans'.

If the goal is to ensure that each account is linked to a real person, the platform will need some way to verify that they are real. One possibility is an expansion of Twitter's existing verification program.

Currently, to receive a blue badge on their accounts, users must provide a link to an official website they are affiliated with, an official email address, or a form of government-issued identification. Musk might not require identification, but require users to use their real names.

He could also explore other methods, such as linking accounts to credit cards or relying more on CAPTCHA to defeat bots, said Jillian York, director for international free expression at the digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Whichever approach she chooses, York and other experts said Musk is likely to face challenges that fall into two main categories: access and privacy.

Access is about ensuring that everyone who wants to use Twitter can access the platform. With a system that links accounts to credit cards, for example, York said Twitter would risk excluding all those who don't have them. Maybe they are too young to have a credit card or have bad credit and can't get approved. They may not like their credit card transactions being exchanged with data brokers or simply prefer to use cash for cultural reasons. Tying authentication to consumer credit would "lock out millions of people," York said.

Then there is the issue of privacy. While many users may feel like they have nothing to hide, a system that forces users to submit their personally identifiable information creates a single point of failure. Not only would more users have to trust Twitter not to misuse their personal information, but Twitter itself would become a much more important target for repressive governments (which could use lawsuits to force Twitter to hand over the information). or cybercriminals motivated by identity theft (...).

Even a real name policy could prove challenging. Facebook has some experience with this; the company was forced to make changes to its naming policy in 2015 after critics pointed out that victims of abuse and other vulnerable groups had good reason to use pseudonyms. Changes at Facebook raised the bar for reporting a false name and allowed users to give the company reasons why they avoid using their real names.

This points to how complex it can be to translate a simple-sounding principle like ‘authenticate all real humans’ into a functional product feature. The problem is not the goal or the motivation; It's that humans are complicated creatures with personal circumstances that rarely fit neatly into boxes."


“Freedom of expression: for everyone?

Twitter is much smaller than other social networks. However, research shows that it has a disproportionate influence as the tweets are especially fast and viral, and are reproduced in traditional media.

Tweets that stand out for each user are the result of an algorithm that seeks to maximize exposure and clicks, and are not intended to enrich the user's life with interesting or respectful insights.

Musk has also suggested that he will open up access to the algorithms used by Twitter. An improvement in transparency. But once Twitter is a private company, how much transparency it wants to maintain will depend solely on what it decides.

Ironically, Musk has accused Meta (formerly Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerberg of having too much control over the public debate.

And yet Musk himself has tried in the past to stifle the views of those who have been critical of him.

There is little evidence to believe that he really intends to create a free and inclusive space on Twitter, and even less to think that the changes he makes are in the common interest ”.

https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/empresas/2022/04/30/elon-musk-como-affectara-a-la-libertad-de-expresion-en-twitter-la-compra-del-dueno- de-tesla/


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