
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2021

La Agenda 2030, el coronavirus y el nuevo orden mundial

  Rubén Alexis Hernández   El nuevo orden mundial o corporocracia en vías de consolidación, tiene como una de las herramientas más importantes para lograr su objetivo final, a la llamada Agenda 2030 de la ONU para el desarrollo sostenible. Hoja de ruta proyectada por las élites globales en el 2015, que definen al desarrollo sostenible como:   “(…) el desarrollo capaz de satisfacer las necesidades del presente sin comprometer la capacidad de las futuras generaciones para satisfacer sus propias necesidades. El desarrollo sostenible exige esfuerzos concentrados en construir un futuro inclusivo, sostenible y resiliente para las personas y el planeta. Para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible, es fundamental armonizar tres elementos básicos: el crecimiento económico, la inclusión social y la protección del medio ambiente. Estos elementos están interrelacionados y son todos esenciales para el bienestar de las personas y las sociedades” https://www.un.org/sustainabled...

The 2030 Agenda, the coronavirus and the new world order

  Ruben Alexis Hernandez The new world order or corporocracy in the process of consolidation, has as one of the most important tools to achieve its final objective, the so-called UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Roadmap projected by global elites in 2015, which define sustainable development as: “(…) Development capable of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development requires focused efforts to build an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and the planet. To achieve sustainable development, it is essential to harmonize three basic elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. These elements are interrelated and are all essential for the well-being of people and societies ” https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/es/development-agenda/ To achieve so-and-so sustainable development, the Agenda includes 17 goals, to be fully met througho...

The genocide of the Palestinians

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez   According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the term genocide means: "Extermination or systematic elimination of a human group for reasons of race, ethnicity, religion, politics or nationality" https://dle.rae.es/genocidio?m= form  And exactly that is what the Zionist State of Israel is doing with its Palestinian neighbors, with the complicit silence of almost the entire so-called international community, and taking advantage of since 2020, the fact that world public opinion has been largely concentrated on the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately the assassins (armed forces) at the service of the Zionist entity, do with the Palestinians what they please day after day, regardless of whether they are children, the elderly and the defenseless disabled or "armed" with sticks or stones.  The Zionists have gone to the extreme of confining the Palestinians in a kind of concentration camp, controlling them in every way and progressively ...

The new world order, the digital society and censorship on the order of the day

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez   In the framework of the accelerated construction of the new criminal world order, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, censorship and self-censorship have been deepened with respect to all information that in one way or another is not convenient for the interests of criminals to the head of global totalitarianism that tries to consolidate itself. With the digital society as an ally, the globalist-tyrants have applied censorship left and right to many media and social networks, and have achieved through various forms of pressure and blackmail, that numerous journalistic sites on the Internet, for example, censor themselves and stop publishing an enormous amount of writings that question the entire motley disaster derived from the health emergency and its perverse management by elites and governments.  Today, the digital society in favor of the elites has the tools, technologies and devices necessary to control to a large extent the circulation o...

El nuevo orden mundial, la sociedad digital y la censura a la orden del día

  Rubén Alexis Hernández   En el marco de la construcción acelerada del nuevo orden mundial criminal, en plena pandemia de COVID-19, se ha profundizado la censura y la autocensura respecto a toda aquella información que de una u otra forma no sea conveniente para los intereses de los delincuentes a la cabeza del totalitarismo global que pretende consolidarse. Con la sociedad digital como aliada, los globalistas-tiranos han aplicado la censura a diestra y siniestra a muchos medios de comunicación y redes sociales, y han logrado mediante diversas formas de presión y chantaje, que numerosos sitios periodísticos en la internet, por ejemplo, se autocensuren y dejen de publicar una enorme cantidad de escritos que cuestionan todo el desastre variopinto derivado de la emergencia sanitaria y su manejo perverso por parte de las élites y los Gobiernos.   Hoy, la sociedad digital en favor de las élites dispone de las herramientas, tecnologías y dispositivos necesarios para co...