The new world order, the digital society and censorship on the order of the day

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez

 In the framework of the accelerated construction of the new criminal world order, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, censorship and self-censorship have been deepened with respect to all information that in one way or another is not convenient for the interests of criminals to the head of global totalitarianism that tries to consolidate itself. With the digital society as an ally, the globalist-tyrants have applied censorship left and right to many media and social networks, and have achieved through various forms of pressure and blackmail, that numerous journalistic sites on the Internet, for example, censor themselves and stop publishing an enormous amount of writings that question the entire motley disaster derived from the health emergency and its perverse management by elites and governments.

 Today, the digital society in favor of the elites has the tools, technologies and devices necessary to control to a large extent the circulation of information on a planetary scale. And in the process it is relatively easy to avoid the publication of content contrary to the Status Quo, or to eliminate those that have already been published, at least in a simpler way than in the case of physical texts (on paper). Ironically we are at a stage in the history of humanity, in which thanks to high speed internet the flow of information is immensely voluminous, and overwhelming in real time; Unfortunately, the government control exercised over communications is also overwhelming, monitoring everything that is published in every company or media outlet and on social networks.

 Today, as has not happened before in human history, authentic journalism, the unsold to the highest bidder, is in danger of succumbing to the enormous pressure exerted by the Status Quo. Even numerous media that have supposedly been leaning to the left, at least in theory, have blatantly applied self-censorship, and those who run them always end up hiding themselves in "hacks" or cyber attacks. In this context, it is worth noting that fewer and fewer critical articles are published, even on electronic sites that are apparently more committed to defending freedom of expression. Fear and complacency towards those above prevail, and the truth is dying day after day.


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