The 2030 Agenda, the coronavirus and the new world order


Ruben Alexis Hernandez

The new world order or corporocracy in the process of consolidation, has as one of the most important tools to achieve its final objective, the so-called UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Roadmap projected by global elites in 2015, which define sustainable development as:

“(…) Development capable of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable development requires focused efforts to build an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and the planet.

To achieve sustainable development, it is essential to harmonize three basic elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. These elements are interrelated and are all essential for the well-being of people and societies”

To achieve so-and-so sustainable development, the Agenda includes 17 goals, to be fully met throughout the Earth by 2030:

“17 Goals for people and for the planet

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives and prospects of people around the world. In 2015, all United Nations Member States approved 17 Goals as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which establishes a plan to achieve the Goals in 15 years.

Progress is currently being made in many places, but overall action to achieve the Goals is still not progressing at the necessary speed and scale. The year 2020 should mark the beginning of a decade of ambitious action to achieve the Goals by 2030.

Decade of action

With less than ten years to go to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, at the SDG Summit in September 2019, world leaders called for a decade of action and results for sustainable development, vowing to mobilize funding, improve implementation at the national level and strengthening institutions to achieve the Goals by the scheduled date, 2030, leaving no one behind.

The United Nations Secretary-General called for all sectors of society to mobilize for a decade of action on three levels: global action to ensure greater leadership, more resources and smarter solutions regarding the Sustainable Development Goals; action at the local level that includes the necessary transitions in policies, budgets, institutions and regulatory frameworks of governments, cities and local authorities; and action by people, including youth, civil society, the media, the private sector, trade unions, academia and other stakeholders, to generate an unstoppable movement that promotes the necessary transformations (…).

In the 2020-2030 decade, the need to act to face growing poverty, empower women and girls and face the climate emergency is fundamental ” (Idem).

At first glance, the 2030 Agenda may seem like a project that truly seeks the well-being and happiness of the entire humanity, trying to establish a kind of paradise-perfect world. But this is obviously not the case; To begin with, goals such as zero poverty and hunger (1 and 2), and full quality employment for all (8), are nothing more than lies courtesy of the evil criminals who rule the planet. Except in the cases of ancient cultures that practiced primitive communism, and of some self-sufficient communities today, there was always poverty, misery, hunger, unemployment, payment of wages or stipends insufficient for the majority and stop counting. This panorama has worsened in recent centuries with the emergence and consolidation of capitalism, and its evolution to a global liberalism and neoliberalism, which is trying to consolidate today with the new totalitarian-corporeal world order in formation.

In fact, the new world order has managed to increase socioeconomic inequalities throughout the world, which is evidenced, for example, in the high rates of poverty, misery and unemployment, especially since the declaration of the COVID-pandemic. 19. So, it is worth asking, how is it that the UN intends to eradicate poverty and misery from the planet, and guarantee full and quality employment for all? A logical answer to this question, from the selfish-criminal point of view of the elites, could be not the elimination of poverty, misery and unemployment as socioeconomic problems, but of those who live in situations of poverty, misery and poverty. unemployment, which after all represents a hindrance to the rich and is useless in the workplace and of little value as consumers. And certainly there are clear elite plans for demographic control, justified in part by the supposed overpopulation of some corners of the globe, and its apparent relationship with the increase in poverty and misery. The powerful have never been interested in the socioeconomic well-being of those below, and now it will not be the exception, no matter how much the 2030 Agenda may seem like a passport to paradise.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic was mentioned in the previous paragraph, consider that it is not by chance that it was declared by the WHO precisely in 2020, because that year should “mark the beginning of a decade of ambitious action to in order to achieve the Objectives for 2030 ”(Idem). Statement by UN spokespersons just before the pandemic was declared, which is why the 2030 Agenda had a lot to do with the origin of the pandemic and its consequent development. And it could not be otherwise, since this health emergency has undoubtedly represented a turning point in the history of humanity, helping to accelerate the changes necessary for the 2030 Agenda to achieve its objectives in relation to the supposed sustainable development, in especially the strengthening of planetary interdependence (supranational order) and of the digital-cybernetic society, key processes for the new world order to be consolidated.

It is evident that for the new criminal world order, the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development has been a very important tool for its consolidation and apparent definitive triumph at the beginning of the next decade. For now, with the ongoing health emergency and its consequences in various aspects, the success for globalists has been high, and from now on they will project whatever is necessary to meet the 17 objectives of the Agenda, although for this they have to continue subjecting a large part of humanity to unnecessary resilience and numerous absurd, draconian, restrictive, discriminatory and coercive measures that will always generate a terrible impact in all areas of public and private life. It should not be surprising if, in the years to come, other pandemics and other real and fictitious threats to humanity emerge (alien "invasions", "attacks" by zombies and mutants, proximity to Earth from meteorites and other space bodies, natural disasters, major blackouts, climate emergencies, among others) as excuses for the new world order, through instruments such as the 2030 Agenda, to continue in its advance towards the definitive imposition. Include in this context military conflicts, especially what could be termed World War III, as a golden opportunity for elites and governments to wipe a large population of the Earth off the map, continue with the systematic violation of rights and freedoms and the imposition of inhumane and criminal measures, and in the process generate significant income.

Thus, within the framework of the new world order and the progressive fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda, the misfortune of almost everyone will continue to be exploited by a minority, particularly economically through supposed aid (financing) to "solve" the various crises. , stimulate “growth” and “guarantee the well-being of all”. The criminal-globalists who rule the world will continue to do their thing in the name of the common “good”.


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