
Globalists want to perpetuate health emergencies

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez For the globalists and their plans to consolidate the new corporocratic-digital-totalitarian order, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a complete success, considering that the terrible socioeconomic consequences as a result of its perverse government management, gave a greater impetus in various ways. to the formation of said new order and of a world State that supports it in the political-administrative field. According to what was stated in the previous paragraph, it is understood that the criminal elites who practically own the world are in the interest of perpetuating health emergencies, beginning with the possible prolongation of the COVID-19 pandemic, through the “emergence ” of other variants or strains of the virus. From then on, epidemics and pandemics of various diseases could occur, some of them really dangerous for immunologically strong human beings. And mentioning this is not a conspiracy theory, because the globalists themselves and their lackeys ...

Los globalistas quieren perpetuar las emergencias sanitarias

  Rubén Alexis Hernández   Para los globalistas y sus planes de consolidar el nuevo orden corporocrático-digital-totalitario, la pandemia por COVID-19 ha sido todo un éxito, considerando que las consecuencias socioeconómicas terribles a raíz de su manejo gubernamental perverso, dieron un mayor impulso en diversos sentidos a la formación de dicho nuevo orden y de un Estado mundial que lo respalde en el ámbito político-administrativo.   De acuerdo a lo señalado en el párrafo anterior, se entiende que a las élites criminales que prácticamente son dueñas del mundo, les conviene que las emergencias sanitarias se perpetúen, empezando por la posible prolongación de la pandemia por COVID-19, mediante el “surgimiento” de otras variantes o cepas del virus. De ahí en adelante podrían ocurrir epidemias y pandemias de diversas enfermedades, algunas realmente peligrosas para los seres humanos inmunológicamente fuertes. Y mencionar esto no es una teoría de la conspiración, pues ...

COVID-19 and Global Electronic Certificate of Vaccination

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez The COVID-19 pandemic, whose end is apparently in sight, has been relegated to the media thanks largely to the attention paid to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia (which threatens to turn into a world war); however, the consequences of its perverse management by governments will continue to mark the course of Earth's history to a large extent, in the context of the elites' attempt to consolidate the new corporocratic-digital-totalitarian world order. As for digitization, the cornerstone of the budding tyrannical order, the WHO is developing, together with a certain computer transnational, the appropriate technology to put into operation the global electronic certificate of vaccination (“planetary digital passport”). Such a virtual document, which could also be implanted in humans through microchips and nanochips (there are those who believe that nanoparticles have been implanted in many people through "anticovid vaccination", or that even...

COVID-19 y el certificado electrónico global de vacunación

  Rubén Alexis Hernández   La pandemia por COVID-19, cuyo final aparentemente está a la vista, ha quedado relegada mediáticamente gracias en buena medida a la atención prestada al conflicto entre Ucrania y Rusia (que amenaza con transformarse en una guerra mundial); sin embargo las consecuencias de su manejo perverso por parte de los Gobiernos, seguirán marcando en gran parte el rumbo de la historia de la Tierra, en el contexto del intento de las élites de consolidar el nuevo orden mundial corporocrático-digital-totalitario. En cuanto a la digitalización, piedra angular del orden tiránico en ciernes, la OMS está desarrollando, junto a cierta transnacional informática, la tecnología adecuada para poner en funcionamiento el certificado electrónico global de vacunación (“pasaporte” digital).   Tal documento virtual, que también podría ser implantado en los humanos mediante microchips y nanochips (hay quienes creen que por medio de la “vacunación anticovid” se han imp...

And after the coronavirus what will come? What will be the next “threats” for humanity?

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez At some point, the COVID-19 pandemic will cease to be important from the media point of view and in other areas, for the immediate aspirations of the elites and the governments at the head of the new world order in the process of consolidation. Then the health emergency, conceived and managed in reality as a plandemic, will come to an end, not without first having been of notable utility, to the point that it will be remembered at any future time as a juncture or turning point of great relevance in history. world, fundamental to contribute to the formation of the totalitarian digital corporocracy. It should be noted that the new coronavirus has been considered since 2020 as the enemy of the day for humanity, an imminent threat against which war has been declared, and as in any war, the varied consequences have been terrible, especially from the point of view of From a socioeconomic point of view, courtesy of the perverse handling of the pandemic by governmen...

¿Y luego del coronavirus qué se vendrá? ¿Cuáles serán las próximas “amenazas” para la humanidad?

  Rubén Alexis Hernández   En algún momento la pandemia por COVID-19 dejará de ser importante desde el punto de vista mediático y en otros ámbitos, para las pretensiones inmediatas de las élites y los Gobiernos a la cabeza del nuevo orden mundial en vías de consolidación. Entonces llegará a su fin la emergencia sanitaria, concebida y manejada en realidad como una plandemia, no sin antes haber sido de notable utilidad, hasta el punto que será recordada en cualquier tiempo futuro como una coyuntura o punto de inflexión de gran relevancia en la historia mundial, fundamental para contribuir a la formación de la corporocracia digital totalitaria.   Destáquese que el nuevo coronavirus ha sido considerado desde el 2020 como el enemigo de turno para la humanidad, una amenaza inminente a la que se le declaró la guerra, y como en toda guerra, las consecuencias variopintas han sido terribles, en especial desde el punto de vista socioeconómico, cortesía de los manejos pervers...

The rich got richer with the pandemic, and the poor got poorer

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez Although it is hard to believe, in the midst of the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, characterized by the notable increase in unemployment, poverty and misery, the richest people in the world have become even richer. Now, in reality, this is not something casual, considering, for example, that some of the greatest increases in fortunes were achieved by individuals directly linked to the technological-computer-communicational and pharmaceutical sectors, who benefited from the advance in digitalization of society and with the development of anticovid "vaccines and medicines", respectively. Furthermore, these super-rich were involved in the origin and global spread of the coronavirus infection, knowing that they would benefit in various ways from the government's handling of the pandemic. They are the globalists at the head of the totalitarian digital corporocracy in the process of consolidation. Below is an excerpt from a text by the jo...