COVID-19 and Global Electronic Certificate of Vaccination

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez

The COVID-19 pandemic, whose end is apparently in sight, has been relegated to the media thanks largely to the attention paid to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia (which threatens to turn into a world war); however, the consequences of its perverse management by governments will continue to mark the course of Earth's history to a large extent, in the context of the elites' attempt to consolidate the new corporocratic-digital-totalitarian world order. As for digitization, the cornerstone of the budding tyrannical order, the WHO is developing, together with a certain computer transnational, the appropriate technology to put into operation the global electronic certificate of vaccination (“planetary digital passport”).

Such a virtual document, which could also be implanted in humans through microchips and nanochips (there are those who believe that nanoparticles have been implanted in many people through "anticovid vaccination", or that even the future consumption of certain drugs would be the way to introduce them into organisms), it would store information about the "vaccination" against infection by the new coronavirus and about future immunization against other diseases, and could even contain various personal-private data. In fact, it would record much more information than that stored in the certificates that until now have been valid on a national and continental scale, and that have generated so much annoyance in hundreds of millions of citizens, because they are exclusive, discriminatory, attacks on freedom traffic violations of human rights and stop counting with respect to those who are not "vaccinated" against the disease mentioned here, who have rightly refused to be inoculated with a product that is nothing more than an experiment, with obvious adverse effects to health.

So the implementation by the WHO of the global electronic certificate of vaccination (obviously a draconian measure), bypassing national jurisdictions (as long as nations exist) will mean a greater restriction of freedoms and rights and limitation of mobility and social interaction, and therefore an ever-expanding elite-governmental control of world society through virtual surveillance and tracking, with the excuse of defending the common "good" in terms of health threats, fictitious or real:

“The World Health Organization (WHO) selected T-Systems to develop global electronic verification of vaccination certificates for its 194 member states.

It is a technology to check the QR codes of electronic vaccination certificates beyond national borders, in addition, it is intended to serve as a standard procedure for other vaccines, such as polio or yellow fever, in addition to the of covid-19. WHO and T-Systems focus on transparency and data protection when building this solution. Work in progress on the software is public on the developer platform Github (…)

Gerrett Mehl, Head of Unit at the WHO Department of Digital Health and Innovation, said: 'Covid-19 affects everyone and countries will come out of the pandemic together. Digitally verifiable, tamper-evident vaccination certificates build trust. For this reason, WHO is supporting Member States in the creation of national and regional networks of trust and verification technology. The WHO platform will also serve as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future vaccination campaigns and home registries. Adel Al-Saleh, Member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Telekom AG and CEO of T-Systems, explained: 'We are pleased to be able to support the WHO in the fight against the pandemic. Healthcare is a strategic growth area for T-Systems. Collaborating in this way underlines our commitment to the sector.” Digitization makes the world work. Digital vaccination certificates, such as that of the European Union, are essential for this. For T-Systems, the WHO contract is familiar territory. The company had already developed the European Union portal for vaccination certificates (DCC, Digital Covid Certificate). Currently, more than 60 countries are connected to it. T-Systems had already created the European Federation Getaway Service (EFGS). This service ensures that Member States' Coronavirus tracking apps work across borders. Telekom and SAP have collaborated closely on both EU projects. The companies are also industrial partners of the German government's Corona Warnning application. With more than 43 million downloads, the German app is one of the most successful tracking apps in the world. With many additional features, such as event handling or universal certificate storage, it has earned a reputation as the Swiss Army Knife of the pandemic.”

In a few words, the global electronic vaccination certificate is an instrument that will give a greater impetus to the digitization of society, and its use will represent another step towards the consolidation of the corporocracy, the formation of a world State and the control of almost all of humanity through virtual-cybernetic totalitarianism (the electronic Big Brother in action).


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