And after the coronavirus what will come? What will be the next “threats” for humanity?

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez

At some point, the COVID-19 pandemic will cease to be important from the media point of view and in other areas, for the immediate aspirations of the elites and the governments at the head of the new world order in the process of consolidation. Then the health emergency, conceived and managed in reality as a plandemic, will come to an end, not without first having been of notable utility, to the point that it will be remembered at any future time as a juncture or turning point of great relevance in history. world, fundamental to contribute to the formation of the totalitarian digital corporocracy.

It should be noted that the new coronavirus has been considered since 2020 as the enemy of the day for humanity, an imminent threat against which war has been declared, and as in any war, the varied consequences have been terrible, especially from the point of view of From a socioeconomic point of view, courtesy of the perverse handling of the pandemic by governments, on their knees before the richest characters on planet Earth. So the pathogen in question has been a necessary enemy of the first order for the Status Quo, and therefore a perfect excuse for the globalists, in the name of defending the "common" good, to have advanced in the fulfillment of their perverse global goals.

Now, leaving the COVID-19 pandemic aside, what will be the next "threats" to humanity, that serve as excuses for global elites and governments to turn the world upside down to continue strengthening the new international order? , to the clear detriment of the vast majority? What emergencies or crises will "justify" its nefarious and perverse management, and the implementation of negative government measures in every sense for ordinary citizens? In this regard, the deck of options could include: The alien "invasion", the "imminent" impact of a meteorite or other space body on Earth, the emergence of other pandemics, the occurrence of natural catastrophes, the consequences of global climate change , the "zombie attack" on a planetary scale, the fall in the electricity systems (major blackouts) and the Internet, the outbreak of a war of considerable geographical scope (World War III) and the advent of the "apocalypse".

As can be seen in the previous paragraph, some threats are fictitious and others are real, but any, however absurd it may seem, would be used by governments to further control ordinary citizens and harm them in every way, by inducing panic collective, the dark media manipulation and the execution of various irrational, unfair, unconstitutional, discriminatory and exclusive measures. This is how each necessary enemy or real or not real danger to humanity, according to what the globalists estimate, will evidently be used (alone or with others at the same time) in the future to facilitate the consolidation of the new corporocratic-digital world order. -totalitarian, as has happened with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Consider, for example, the cases of an alleged alien invasion and global climate change. The first is fictitious wherever you look at it, taking into account that, if aliens had wanted to invade us, they would have acted long ago. Now, this is not an impediment so that from the highest spheres they could simulate an invasion in the purest Hollywood style, facilitated by the fact that for many years hundreds of millions of people have been mentally conditioned, through the dissemination of numerous movies, documentaries, and other texts on alien-related issues. Unfortunately, many citizens could come to believe in the "invasion" thanks to an aerospace montage and the fear induced day after day by the "media"; In the process, governments would act internationally in a coordinated and perverse manner against humanity, ironically in the name of defending us from the "danger" that aliens would represent for the very existence of man.

Regarding global climate change, although some believe that it is an invention of globalists and so-called progressives, it is a real danger to life on the planet, and there is sufficient quantitative and qualitative evidence on a global, national and local, which prove it. Now, this worrying phenomenon is already being used by the elites as an excuse to accelerate the consolidation of the new corporocratic-digital-totalitarian world order; The alleged fight of the powerful against global climate change is one of the pillars of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, being a factor of the first order to promote important changes, with profound consequences in the most diverse fields. Regarding the massive use of new energies, for example, the 2030 Agenda proposes that green energies must progressively replace highly polluting ones, such as oil. It is clear that the interest of the globalists is not precisely to save the planet, considering on the one hand that what they seek in the first place is to continue obtaining high economic benefits at any cost, now as "defenders" of life on Earth, and on the other hand, that such green energies, when they can be used massively (hydroelectricity has been of massive consumption for a long time), will have, from their production to their distribution and use, a negative impact on the environment, not on the magnitude of the generated by fossil fuels, but impact at last:

“Next we will talk about how renewable energies pollute the environment:

Geothermal energy can become very dangerous if toxic gases and metals are brought to the surface.

Wind power turbines create visual pollution in normally natural landscapes. At the same time they can become traps for thousands of birds that die on their blades.

Within hydraulic energy, mini-hydraulics is the one that produces a smaller impact, however, large water dams create great losses in the biodiversity of the area, they generate methane gas if the plant matter is not removed, they can be the cause of pandemics , they can be located in areas of natural or landscape value, they make the riverbeds more saline.

The main problem with tidal energy is the high cost of installing it, which rarely makes it viable. On the other hand, they have a significant visual impact on coastal landscapes, that is, visual pollution.

Biomass produces environmental pollution, since its combustion generates nitrogen dioxide and other polluting agents. In addition, if land is cultivated for its development, it is no longer used for other, more productive types of cultivation.

Surely, solar energy is the least polluting in all senses, however, the time it takes to be amortized is very long” environment-1061.html.

To make matters worse, the access of the common citizen to green energies will be expensive, just as the enjoyment of the service of electricity generated by water has already been. In reality, a small percentage of the world's population will be able to regularly consume one or more types of green energy. Sadly, globalists have sold the idea that green energy will be the panacea in every way, friendly to ecosystems and easily available to all humanity. And based on this utopia, they will continue to pressure (or negotiate) governments to continue adopting absurd, disastrous, discriminatory and exclusionary measures in order to comply with the 2030 Agenda and continue advancing in the construction of the new corporocratic-digital-totalitarian world order. In this context, a kind of personalized electronic calculation of carbon dioxide emissions could be implemented, which would exclude all those citizens who do not meet the established minimum numerical standard, from access to food, other items and different services; then they would be practically discarded from society in the name of environmental "defense" and the common "good" in the world.


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