Control and discrimination in the name of the pandemic has no limits

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez

The COVID-19 pandemic and its misguided and malicious handling by a minority, has left dire consequences for humanity in various aspects, and wholesale controls and restrictions courtesy of governments and elites, which are supposedly protecting us from a dangerous enemy, and therefore they have had to act as they have. They have gone to the extreme of restricting access to public and private places to those who do not have the information certificate for COVID-19, in physical or electronic format, or who in general do not comply with certain absurd measures and demands. Broadly speaking, the entry to restaurants, bars, gyms, banks, shopping centers, hospitals, public institutions and others, of ordinary citizens who are not vaccinated, who are supposedly sick with the coronavirus (with some flu symptoms), or who have not shown, through disease screening tests, a recent negative result. From above they have projected, for example, mandatory vaccination even for children, but as many have refused, and with good reason, then the powerful have resorted to pressure and blackmail.

Clearly irrational, draconian, discriminatory, exclusive and unconstitutional are the restrictive "anti-covid" measures, considering on the one hand that such a vaccine, if it can be called that, has been the dubious result of strange experiments carried out at accelerated steps, in through strong competition between pharmaceutical companies to get it to market faster and thus obtain fabulous profits, and the suspicious urgency of governments to "immunize" the population in a blatant way, violating rights and freedoms. In fact, the application of the “vaccine” has shown that its adverse effects prevail over the safety that the product in question could provide; Furthermore, it is well evidenced that many people have suffered serious consequences of all kinds after injecting the vaccine, and not a few have died.

On the other hand, it is important to note that not everyone with flu symptoms and / or with positive tests for the coronavirus disease, has suffered from the disease. In fact, there have been many cases of positives for the COVID-19 test around the world, without the individual having had the disease (false positives), which shows that officially the number of patients has been above the figures real, being this of great utility as justification of the Governments for their barbaric and tyrannical behavior against the societies. At this point there are those who even doubt that COVID-19 exists, or argue that it was perversely oversized. In addition, screening tests in most countries are expensive, hardly accessible to the pockets of the poor.

To make matters worse due to “anti-covid” controls and restrictions, it is clear that humanity will be affected in every way, by not being able to move freely in crowded spaces without complying with draconian standards and demands. In this framework, discrimination and exclusion from work, education and health are the order of the day for those who do not finish submitting to the masters of the planet; The extremely high unemployment and growing poverty and misery, the notable absenteeism from school and the lack of basic medical care, will largely define the future of a large part of the world population if there is not a massive, forceful and prolonged reaction against the controls and the absurd restrictions.


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