The global implantation of microchips and nanochips in humans will mean total control

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez

In the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, the digitization-robotization of society has accelerated, a fundamental process for the consolidation of the new corporocratic-totalitarian world order. In this regard, the disastrous and perverse implantation of microchips and nanochips in humans, which began a few years ago, has received a certain boost with the health crisis; Those who have such devices on their bodies have already used them in various contexts, from making various payments to accessing different places. Although up to now the elites and governments have not defined a specific period for the massive planetary implantation of microchips and nanochips, it is expected that they will do so soon, considering that the process carried out on a global scale would guarantee the absolute control of large part of humanity, converted into transhumanity, and therefore the success of the tyrannical corporate order. Obviously they would carry out such an aberrant process, justifying themselves in the supposed common good, arguing that the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages and dangers.

In general terms, microchips and nanochips contain a large amount of information of all kinds about the person to whom it is implanted, and in this sense the human almost completely "fused" with the virtual world, practically can not do anything in his public and private life without having to use the devices mentioned here. Even surveillance and tracking by intelligence agencies, hackers, and identity thieves, for example, is much easier with these technologies. So that if the forced or covert global implantation of microchips and nanochips materializes, the elites would dominate almost all of humanity at will, which would lose what little freedom it has left. This is how Big Brother would definitively triumph in the electronic-cybernetic version of him.

Now, will we allow the globalists to get away with it and fully control us, to the point of “reading” our thoughts and permanently monitoring our privacy thanks to digitization-robotization?

Below is the excerpt from an interesting, well-founded writing on the use of microchips and the transhumanism derived from it:

“Microchips and transhumanism: the path to total control of our body

May 10, 2021

Cristina Zato

Zato, Christina

Consulting specialist in data protection and new technologies


Many see it as a 'conspiracy theory', others, as a desirable goal to achieve in the medium term, and others, however, as a reality that whether we like it or not, will end up directing us sooner rather than later.

We are talking about the intradermal microchip inserted in human beings.

Although it is true that its use in animals has already been applied for many years, in order to be able to identify the data of the family to which they belong, its use in humans, today, is hardly widespread, although We must point out that in countries like Sweden, there are already thousands of people who have these microchips implanted under their skin and use them on a daily basis to make payments in order to avoid carrying cards or IDs, access their computers and share accounts on social networks, deactivate alarms in their homes with a simple touch of the hand, access gyms by previously confirming their ID, pay tickets at train stations

There are those who affirm that this 'biohacking' movement that is beginning to develop in Sweden is going to gradually make its way into the rest of the countries, but we must bear in mind that all this new technological paradigm can come into a great conflict with our right to intimacy, privacy and the protection of personal data.

The president of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, has already been warning that this fourth Industrial Revolution in which we are already immersed 'will lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities', producing a total fusion of man with machine, one of the aspects sought with the already known 'Internet of things'. In addition, as he points out in one of his works, together with the issuance of medical passports that will be digitized in the future (as we are seeing with digital green certificates), this Great Restart that society is going to suffer as a result of the COVID-19, will lead to the implantation of the external digital devices that we use today in our body, being able to read our waves and brain states, thus helping us to communicate our thoughts through these new implants, even having the ability to read information about our genetic makeup.

Many prestigious intellectuals who defend this transhumanist movement, such as Raymond Kurzweil (director of engineering at Google) or the neuroscientist Anders Sanberg, among others, expose the possibility of being able to transfer our minds to a computer, which is known as 'mind uploading' (...).

As we can see, the desire to merge man with machine is not something utopian, but rather it is getting closer than we think. The transhumanist current aims to adjust humanity to the future technological requirements, being necessary to go a step further and create a symbiosis between technology and the human being. But are we legally prepared to address the challenges posed by this unprecedented technological change?

We must point out that this human-artificial intelligence connection is not without criticism.

There are many who claim that this new way of understanding future technology is nothing more than a complete intrusion into our lives and our privacy, to such an extent that the human would lose his soul and essence, becoming an artificial being, which they are already being called 'cyborg' (...).

It is not unreasonable to think that the ultimate goal of these technologies could lead to total control of the citizen. Although we must not deny that technology brings us endless benefits in our daily lives in each and every one of the areas of society, we cannot forget that most of the smart devices that we carry with us control each of our our movements and they know practically everything about us.

On the other hand, the Swedish biohacker Hannes Sjöblad, affirms that this is "a natural step in our relationship with technology", whose objective "is a matter of comfort" and that the wearer of these devices assumes total digital control. .

From his point of view, this technology would significantly improve the health of those who carry it, knowing at all times what our body needs, from drinking more water to knowing when to go out and exercise (...).

Hanners considers that the human-machine fusion is getting closer thanks to the use of these devices, and that in a few years, all of them will be implantable in our body without the need to carry any additional lens. The practicality and comfort of carrying all our information with the option of having it inside your body considers it to be 'the way we are headed'.

Other experts in our country, such as Colonel Pedro Baños, an expert in geostrategy, do not doubt that in the near future all of us will have a microchip inserted in our brains, just as practically all of us now have a mobile phone in our hand.

One of the latest news that we can find in this regard is that related to microchips developed by researchers from DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Pentagon, which, in theory, can detect COVID- 19 when inserted under the skin (…).

The World Economic Forum itself has already been referring to these implants under the skin since 2016, including a new way of integrating these chips through tattoos, made of gold leaf material, whose patterns would be equivalent to an electronic circuit , which could be used to control a smartphone, music player, or even to inform the user about their body temperature, measure blood glucose levels, biomedical parameters, sports performance…”


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