The digitization of society is not a conspiracy theory. It is a terrible reality.

 Ruben Alexis Hernandez

The advanced digitalisation-robotisation of society, within the framework of the new world order in the process of consolidation, is a reality that is more than evident despite the fact that many citizens do not believe so, and even consider that it is a simple theory of the conspiracy or something like that. The digital-cybernetic society is here to stay unless hundreds of millions of people react forcefully around the globe, and liquidate it together with the new totalitarian-corporeal world order. A society that, if finally materialized, would be clearly the most unequal, exclusive, vigilant, controlling and oppressive in history, in which the elites in charge would try to go so far as to “merge” man with computers and other machines or devices (including the implantation of microchips or nanochips), in order to "read" their thoughts, subject them to their whims and therefore fully dominate them.

By now, the economy is almost entirely digital, and cryptocurrencies will soon completely displace traditional money. And soon, society to a large extent will be totally influenced by digitization-robotization in all aspects of public and private life, according to what can be seen in the following texts, originating from sources that are not exactly ‘conspiracy’:


Bill Gates anticipated what 2022 will be like and launched an alarming omen about the pandemic

Thu, Dec 30, 2021 3:14 AM m.

Bill Gates talks about the trends to come for 2022

The computer entrepreneur Bill Gates assured that in the coming years the work meetings will not be as they are today and there were important changes through the emergence of 3D technology for calls that are made today through a screen or a telephone.

In the context of a pandemic, the founder of Microsoft stated, in a recent post on his blog, that "digitization is here to stay." The philanthropist stressed that, as a result of the health emergency, the use of technology has expanded.

In that sense, Gates highlighted the launch of Meta, the bet of the owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, to prop up his companies under the concept of metaverse, which is known as the next generation of the internet. For Gates, this is "a very useful development."

Seen on a device screen in Sausalito, California, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announces the company's new name, Meta, during a virtual event Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021. (AP Photo / Eric Risberg, File )

"In the next two or three years most virtual meetings will move from rigid images on computers to a 3D space with digital avatars," he described.

And he elaborated: "The idea is that you will eventually use your avatar in a meeting with people in a virtual space, which will replicate the sensations of being in a meeting room with them."

In this sense, the IT entrepreneur considered that in 2022 technology will once again have "a fundamental role" as it has had since the coronavirus emerged. There will be, he said, a direct impact on lifestyle, and cited the development of telemedicine as an example.

‘Telehealth is not new, but its popularity during the pandemic was. In the last two years we have seen more people opt for virtual dating over face-to-face care, '' he said.

For Gates, the field of advancement is very large. ‘We are only at the beginning of how the software will be able to innovate. The more we use digital tools, the more feedback we will have to use them better, "he remarked"

"By Jesús Díaz


According to Sakhrat Khizroev, Elon Musk is wrong. It is impossible that we can access the brain with electrodes, connect it to machines efficiently and even less unravel its secrets. The brain, Khizroev says, is too complex. And it seems that DARPA - the advanced research arm of the Pentagon - agrees with him (…).

Khizroev is an engineer and researcher who leads a team of neuroscientists, physicists, chemists, biologists, and materials engineers in search of the holy grail of modern medical science: unraveling the secrets of the human brain and being able to communicate directly using a machine. To do this they plan to inject about 80,000 million nanoparticles to read and control the brain, although Khrizroev also says that they can be ingested with a glass of water. These nanoparticles - which he claims are totally safe for health and can be easily removed - would bind to each and every neuron in the brain to communicate wirelessly with a machine. If everything goes as they think, Khizroev's team says the project will be finished in just over three years. These particles are 2000 times finer than a human hair. They are called MENP (magneto-electrical nanoparticles) and are capable of receiving and emitting magnetic fields while electrically interacting with human cells. Although they sound like science fiction, Khizroev has been using MENPs in disease research since 2010 (…).

The Russian-born engineer affirms that MENPs are the only way to "talk" to the brain and analyze its operation accurately. "Other efforts use external instruments such as microelectrodes to try to solve the mysteries of the brain, but because of their complexity and difficulty, these methods are limited," he says. In order to see the functioning of the entire brain in real time and interact with each neuron individually, you need a mechanism that connects to each of those neurons without any type of cables.

The BrainSTORMS project

Khizroev's team's investigations have been successful enough to get the attention of the Pentagon's advanced project research agency. DARPA is now funding its BrainSTORMS project, a system for communication between the human brain and computers using MENPs. If successful, they can use this system to interact with machines mentally, as if they were extensions of our body. And vice versa. DARPA not only wants this mechanism to be able to serve people with diseases or disabilities - to control things like robot arms or legs - but also so that soldiers and pilots can control machines like fighter jets more efficiently than with their hands.

This is something that looks more like the plot of a science fiction movie like Firefox, that movie in which Clint Eastwood had to steal a Soviet plane that was flying controlled by the mind. But the project is real. Right now it is in its second phase of execution and, according to what they say, they hope to complete it in 2024.

'A revolution'

Khizroev's team plans to inject 80 billion MENPs into a person's bloodstream, using magnetic fields to direct them to the brain. There, they claim that each MENP will pair with a neuron. Once in position, the MENP will be able to "talk" to it by emitting an electrical signal to communicate information and receiving the electrical impulses that come from the neuron. Communication with the outside, according to Khizroev, will be done using the other fundamental feature of MENP: these nanoparticles can emit and receive magnetic signals. Using a helmet with magnetic transducers, Khizroev's team assures that a computer will be able to monitor the activity of each one of the 80,000 million MENPs in real time and in turn be able to transmit information to them.

If they are successful, BrainSTORMS hopes not only to be able to establish two-way communication. They also believe that they will be able to map the functioning of the brain, which will give us the key to advance in the field of neuromorphic computing. That is, computers that work as efficiently and quickly as the human brain. "We will finally be able to understand how the brain's computing architecture works," says the scientist. And at the same time, this knowledge will allow you to do things that can only be imagined with the most advanced supercomputers. Khirzoev affirms that this is only part of what they think they will be able to do with the MENPs (…).

The Pentagon's obsession with the brain

DARPA has not only put a fraction of its billions of dollars of budget behind the BrainSTORMS project. This is only one part of his Brain Initiative, a mega-project of the North American government to unravel the secrets of the brain that began in 2013 under the mandate of Barack Obama. Its objective is to map the human brain and be able to exploit its full potential in different areas, from the medical industry to the military. A glance at your list of Brain Initiative projects produces a rare mix of dread, hope, and excitement. In fact, most sound like Marvel superhero movie plots and not actual scientific research projects. Apart from BrainSTORMs, there is ElectRX, a project that seeks to use devices for the neuromodulation of the functions of different human organs. Its goal is to make the body's healing mechanisms more effective. That is, a kind of self-healing in the style of Wolverine powers. Another, the HAPTIX system, seeks to give the power of touch to people who have no limbs and use mechanical prosthetics, much like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. The plan here is to put in modular implants to transmit electrical impulses that the brain would interpret as a sensation of touch. But what is even scarier is the RAM project, which is a play on words between computer memory and the acronym Active Memory Restoration. According to DARPA, this program "seeks to develop and test a neural interface for the formation of new memories and access to existing memories in those individuals who have lost these capacities as a result of brain injuries."

This, like the BrainSTORMS project and the rest, sounds fantastic until you realize it could be part of the storyline for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. In that film, a company offered the possibility of erasing painful memories in order to be happy. Or Total Recall, in which they implant memories of events that have never happened. The second part of this program - called RAM Replay - seeks that individuals can access lost memories with total precision. Perfect to remember any moment like in The Entire Story of You, the episode of Black Mirror in which people could make a 'replay' of any moment of their life ” 2021-03-24 / pentagon-darpa-brain-control-nanoparticulas_3004028 /

It is evident, for example, that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitization-robotization of society, and that for a long time there have been official plans to control the human brain in a virtual way, a process justified by its apparent use in the future with positive ends. Therefore, the realization of the digital-cybernetic society in the framework of the new world order is not a conspiracy theory at all; it is very real and its consequences would be increasingly shocking for humanity.


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