Some of the reasons that drove the forced "vaccination anticovid"


Ruben Alexis Hernandez


It is more than evident that the forced-massive application of so-called anticovid vaccines has caused much more harm than health benefits; In fact, the "vaccine" of whatever brand it is, has generated in many people the disease that it is supposed to prevent, quite the opposite to immunization, the fundamental objective of a vaccination as such. It is clear that the implementation of various coercive, repressive, restrictive and discriminatory measures to force the population of the entire world to be "vaccinated" responds to powerful interests at stake that are far from concern for the care of humanity.


 In the first place, the economic interests of the elite that own the pharmaceutical corporations, which have increased their profits significantly at the cost of the health of hundreds of millions of people, prevail. A pandemic like the current one was a great opportunity for large laboratories, which did not hesitate to launch into a race for the prompt development and greater commercialization of the supposed vaccines. Due to the apparent danger of COVID-19 for humanity, the elite at the head of the pharmaceutical companies had the perfect excuse and the absolute state-media support to bring to the market products that supposedly protect citizens, but are actually anything but vaccines. As always, to the wealthy in their permanent quest to obtain relevant profits, the welfare of the majority does not give a damn:


 “COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers could earn up to $ 190 billion in sales this year if they hit production targets. Two Chinese companies account for at least a quarter of revenue.


Airfinity's estimate reveals how nine companies, including US-based Pfizer and Moderna, along with Chinese pharmaceutical companies Sinovac Biotech and Sinopharm, will benefit from the COVID vaccine market (…)


Pfizer and Moderna could represent as much as $ 44 billion and $ 32 billion, respectively, although the numbers are likely to be lower. Pfizer has forecast sales of $ 26 billion this year for its BioNTech-developed vaccine, while Moderna sees revenue of about $ 19 billion.


High prices could also push doses out of reach for many people in low- and middle-income countries. The uneven distribution has increased pressure on rich countries to share excess vaccines and increase financial contributions to try to close the access gap.


A group of 20 leaders, including China and the United States, have called for greater global cooperation to defeat the virus, and drug manufacturers, including Pfizer, pledged last week to ship more vaccines to the poorest countries over the next 18 months.


Investing $ 50 billion could help immunize at least 40 percent of the world's population by the end of this year and 60 percent or more by the first half of 2022, the International Monetary Fund said last week. Meanwhile, the companies enjoy an unexpected profit that in many cases has been underwritten by strong subsidies from the governments” enjoy-multimillion-dollar-earnings-of-up-190000-million-dollars /


By the way, other great business opportunities are coming for pharmaceutical corporations, considering, for example, that the director of the WHO himself announced that there will be other pandemics, supposedly uncontrollable, and therefore various "vaccines" and drugs will be needed to be able to make them front. And of course, the "benefactors" in command of the large laboratories, who of course will play a fundamental role when the next global health emergencies are declared, will rub their hands again, regardless of the fact that their products may cause multiple effects. adverse events and the death of numerous people. Business are business.


Second, the massive campaign of "anticovid vaccination" in terms of geographic and population coverage, meant from the beginning an important circumstance for certain powers to use it for geopolitical purposes, within the framework of the diverse confrontation between the United States and its allies. with China and its partners, and therefore the struggle for global hegemony in the new planetary order. Thus, greater coverage by certain pharmaceutical corporations would be equivalent to a greater global influence of the countries where the parent companies of said corporations are located. It is obvious, then, that the political leadership of the powers has their hands in the depths of forcing global "vaccination" by all possible means:


“China is playing an influential role in global immunization, at least for now, shipping more doses abroad than all other nations combined, as India faces a devastating outbreak that has shut down vaccine exports. Sinovac could raise up to $ 25 billion and Sinopharm up to $ 23 million, each of which will attract at least $ 16 billion, according to the data. Sales indicate that China sees an opportunity to obtain a commercial advantage as well as a geopolitical advantage” -from-to-190000-million-dollar /


Third, it is possible that the "anticovid vaccines" are being used, at least as a trial-experiment for now, to cause the population reduction that from 2020 was contemplated in a covert way by the new world order in view of its consolidation, possibly in 2030 according to the important multidimensional plan known as the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and its goals of poverty and zero hunger (interpreted as the elimination of individuals in situations of poverty and misery). In fact, the supposed vaccines against COVID-19 have been making many of those inoculated sick, causing the death of a good part of them. And in the future, when the other pandemics hit humanity, perhaps much more effective "vaccines" to end the "excess" world population, disposable for the corporate economy, without access to sufficient food resources and "harmful" for the environment.


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