Alleged COVID-19 Vaccines and Their Health Consequences


Ruben Alexis Hernandez

Every day that passes it is more evident that the global forced “anti” COVID-19 “vaccination” is not only ineffective against the disease because it does not immunize (the objective of an authentic vaccination), but also generates serious adverse effects on the health of many inoculated, and even death. So it is worth asking, what c ... or is it really injecting into organisms? What perverse experimentation with human guinea pigs are they carrying out? How is it that the substance in question applies equally to people? immunosuppressed, mostly elderly, even knowing that any vaccine is risky for these individuals? Whatever the injected product is, it is not good, despite the ongoing government-health-media campaign ensuring that massive “vaccination” is necessary. And of course it is necessary, but in favor of the economic, geopolitical and demographic interests of the elites, for example.

Here are some opinions that show the serious consequences that derive from forced global "vaccination" "against" COVID-19. And not exactly conspiracy or something like that:

1.- "Comment: vaccines against COVID-19: Immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia induced by the vaccine

COMMENT 05/58/21 Matthew E. Levison, MD, Drexel University College of Medicine, Drexel University

Reports began to appear in Europe in early March 2021 that several patients who had received the COVID-19 vaccine from Oxford-AztraZeneca (AZ) developed blood clots (thrombi) that, in some patients, dislodged and traveled to the lungs (pulmonary emboli). As the number of reports of thromboembolic events in people who received this COVID-19 vaccine continued to grow in Europe and the UK, many countries discontinued use of the AZ vaccine. Initially, a particular lot (ABV5300) of the AZ vaccine, which had been widely distributed in Europe, was suspected to be defective, but AstraZeneca denied that there was evidence of an increased risk of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis in any group of patients. age, sex or lot defined, or in a particular country.

Then, in mid-March, the clinical picture of the affected people who received the AZ vaccine became clearer. Many of the patients had developed moderate to severe thrombocytopenia in addition to blood clots in unusual and critical places, especially clots that block the veins that drain blood from the brain (called cerebral venous sinus thrombosis or CVST). In some patients, CVST has been associated with cerebral hemorrhage and blood clots in the splanchnic veins (ie, the portal, splenic, gastric, mesenteric, and suprahepatic veins) that drain blood from the abdominal organs. Most of the affected patients were previously healthy women between the ages of 20 and 50. Symptoms included severe headache, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, vision changes, shortness of breath, and / or leg pain and swelling that developed 4 to 20 days after the COVID-19 vaccination. At that time, several countries decided to reserve the AZ vaccine for older age groups in which no increased rate of thromboembolic disorders was observed.

On April 20, 2021, the EMA safety committee concluded (…) that a warning about blood clots and low blood platelets should be included as very rare side effects of the vaccine. A similar conclusion had previously been reached from the EMA on the AZ vaccine. The CDC and the FDA reached similar conclusions about the J&J vaccine. "

2.- "Infection in vaccinated persons occurs when a fully vaccinated person becomes infected by the virus that causes COVID-19. Vaccinated people who become infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread it to other people.

Even if you are fully vaccinated, if you live in an area with substantial or high transmission of COVID-19, you, your family and community will be more protected by wearing a mask in closed public places.

Those who are immunosuppressed do not always achieve adequate levels of protection after an initial 2-dose series of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. They should continue to take all recommended precautions for unvaccinated people until their healthcare professional advises otherwise. In addition, the CDC recommends that people with moderately to severely suppressed immune systems receive an additional main dose of the vaccine.

What we know about infections in vaccinated

Infections are expected to occur in those vaccinated. Vaccines against COVID-19 are effective in preventing most infections. However, like other vaccines, they are not 100% effective ”.

3.- “Melissa Morelli, a teacher who works with children with special needs, woke up on July 19 with a stuffy nose, headache and cough. "I didn't worry because minor colds always make the rounds [at school]," says Morelli, who received the vaccine from Pfizer in January and February. 'I had some Tylenol and went on with my week. I never thought about COVID. '

It wasn't until six days later, when she went to the emergency room for an unrelated problem - she hadn't had enough water despite the hot weather, she became dehydrated and passed out - that she found out she had COVID- 19. "In retrospect, I wish I had thought more about it and got tested after I had some cold symptoms," she says.

As the contagious delta variant continues to circulate, more vaccinated people in the United States are suffering from so-called postvaccination infections - defined as those that occur two weeks or more after completing the vaccination regimen, either the one or two dose version. . No one knows exactly how often this is happening, because many post-vaccination cases are completely asymptomatic and because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stopped tracking them unless they lead to hospitalization or death.

Generally speaking, vaccinated people who contract COVID-19 and suffer from symptoms are prone to the same symptoms that an unvaccinated person might experience. These include fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Loss of taste or smell can sometimes serve as a telltale clue, although it doesn't happen to everyone. "

4.- “Two Spanish immunologists, Carmen Álvarez, from the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) and Africa González, from the University of Vigo, clarify to Efe some doubts that may arise about the effectiveness of vaccines against coronavirus.

1.- What do we mean when we talk about the effectiveness of vaccines?

The vaccines were designed -remembers Álvarez- to prevent serious illness and death and, when the complete schedule is in place, they are being effective in the percentage that was said, which depends on each vaccine (those of Pfizer, Moderna or Astrazeneca superior to the 90% effective) because 'nothing is ever one hundred percent'.

2. - So, in some countries with high vaccination rates, for example Israel, why are hospitalizations increasing?

There are several factors, 'but the most important surely has been the appearance of the delta variant, much more contagious, which has caused people already vaccinated to become infected again', indicates González (...) in addition - he adds - there is a decrease of protection after a while, especially in older people ”.

It is clear, then, that what they are forcibly inoculating citizens, supposedly against COVID-19, is anything but a vaccine as such, regardless of the brand. Therefore, we have the right to decide that we are not "vaccinated", and thus prevent our body from suffering various negative consequences in the short and / or medium term. Right that has been violated by the Governments, that through a gigantic manipulation-blackmail and the implementation of certain repressive, discriminatory and restrictive measures and actions in numerous areas (labor, health, education, mobility, access to different places, among others), have achieved that numerous individuals have been involuntarily “vaccinated”.

The right to good health is perhaps the most important human right, and elites and governments are openly and blatantly violating it with forced “anticovid” “vaccination”, ironically in the name of protecting humanity:

“Health is a fundamental and indispensable human right for the exercise of other human rights. Every human being has the right to enjoy the highest possible level of health that allows him to live with dignity ”.

"Freedoms, which require that people be free not to undergo non-consensual medical treatment, such as medical experiments or forced sterilization."


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